Current Issue

Volume: 42 Issue: 3, 9/24/24

Year: 2024


Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences focuses on interdisciplinary theoretical and empirical research papers in Turkish or English on the fields of economics and administrative sciences. It is a peer-reviewed academic international open access journal, published quarterly. 

Research areas includes issues relevant to economics, business administration, public finance, social policy, family and consumer sciences, health management, political science, public administration, social work and international relations.

Articles published in this journal are of interest to a broad range of readers including academics, practicing managers, management consultants, policy-makers/analysts, specialists in public/private organizations as well as graduate students and researchers.

Guide for Authors

The articles sent to the journal should be prepared in accordance with the following rules. Articles that do not meet the format requirements will not be evaluated. Articles should be prepared according to the template given in the link.

Author names should not be included in the template. Author names will be added by the journal after acceptance. 

First Submission

• The submitted article should not have been previously published and should not be in the process of being evaluated in any journal.

• The article should be submitted through Journal's website , without adding the name(s) of the author(s) and without any phrases to identify the author(s) in the article.

• The author(s) can follow the current status of the article on DergiPark.

• Authors should send a title page with their articles in which the names of the authors have been deleted. The title page should include the name of the article, the names of all authors, contact information and ORCID numbers, responsible author, author contributions, conflict of interest, ethics committee approval, if any, and financial support information.

• The article should be in accordance with research and publication ethics. The originality report of the article obtained by using plagiarism detection software (iThenticate, Turnitin etc.) should be uploaded to Dergipark together with the article. The total similarity rate excluding the bibliography should be below 20%, and similarity with a single article should be below 4%.

• Ethics committee approval is required for all kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment and interview techniques. If "Ethics Committee Approval" is required for the research; In the “Materials and Methods” section of the article, information regarding the approval of the Ethics Committee (name of the ethics committee, number and date of the approval document) should be stated. Studies without ethics committee approval will not be evaluated.

• Studies that have previously been presented at a conference and whose full text or extended summary have been published are not considered.

• In case the article is accepted and published, the author(s) is deemed to have accepted the transfer of copyrights to Hacettepe University, and no royalties are paid to the author(s).

• All authors are required to include their ORCID® numbers in the articles submitted to our journal.

• Authors who submit articles to our journal for evaluation are deemed to have accepted to act as referees for other articles in our journal.


• Authors who are asked to revise their articles after the peer-review process are required to upload the new version of the article to the system within one month. Additional time may be requested if the scope of revisions is large.

• A file with a list of changes made should be sent along with the revised file. The referee's response file should be made separately for each referee's evaluation, and the answers and corrections made in response to each comment made by the referees should be shown separately. The revised article is not sent to the referees before this file is sent.

Manuscript Preperation

• The article can be in Turkish or English. In each article, just below the main title, there should be an abstract of 150-200 words in Turkish and English, including the purpose and importance of the article, the methodology applied, the main findings and possible policy recommendations. Under the Abstract, there should be at least three and most six keywords/keywords that will guide the article's place in the literature. The English title, abstract, main text and keywords should be presented at a high language level that is easily understandable by a global audience. The article should be written in the order of Main Title, Abstract, Keywords, Article Text, Notes and Bibliography.

• The article, including the bibliography and endnotes, should not exceed 8,000 words, should be arranged in an A4 size Word file with 2-line spacing, 3 cm from the left, 3 cm from the right, 3.5 cm from the top and 4 cm from the bottom.

• Tables and figures should be titled and numbered. Titles should be above tables, figures, and graphics. References should be written under tables, figures, and graphics. Vertical lines should not be used in table drawings, and horizontal lines should only be used to separate headings.

• Decimal fractions in numbers should be separated by periods. The sequence number to be given to the equations should be placed in parentheses on the right of the page. If the derivation of the equations is not clearly shown in the article, the derivation process should be given on a separate page for the evaluation of the referees.

• Subheadings of the article should be written in lowercase letters, the first letter being uppercase, bold and starting from the left margin.

• Footnotes should be added at the end of the article, before the bibliography.

Citations and References

• All sources cited in the text should be cited in the bibliography, and uncited sources should not be included in the bibliography. References should be written in alphabetical order by surname on a separate page. Page numbers of articles in journals and reviews should be specified.

• APA (American Psychological Association) reference style should be used for in-text citation and reference. In-text citations and references should be made according to APA version 7. Some example cases are given below. For other cases, you can use the link below:

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: APA.

• References should be made with parentheses to be opened in the text. The order in parentheses should be: Author(s) surname, year of reference, page numbers.

• According to APA 7, for citations with 1 or 2 Authors, the names of the authors should be included in each in-text citation.

Examples of different situations that may be encountered are as follows:

.......has been expressed (Wilson, 2011).
......has been expressed (Watson & Hassett, 2003).
.....specified (Wollmann et al., 2012).

Page numbers should be indicated in direct quotations.

......Dollery (2008a, p.15) argues.
......(Wollmann et al., 2012, p.126).

Studies by Institutions

First reference

(Turkish Statistical Institute [TURKSTAT], 2020)
(World Trade Organization [WTO], 2020)

Second and subsequent citations

(TURKSTAT, 2020)
(WTO, 2020)

If the quote is in a sentence

First reference

Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT, 2020)
World Trade Organization (WTO, 2020)

Second and subsequent citations

WTO (2020)



• According to the APA 7 version, the references for the articles are generally as follows.

Author's Surname, Author's First Letter., Second Author's Surname, First Letter & Third Author's Surname, First Letter (Year). The title of the article. Name of Journal, volume (issue), pages.

• According to APA 7, the first letter of the title of the study should be capitalized and the rest should be lowercase. The first letters of the journal names should be capitalized.

• The volume number should be written in italics and the issue number should be written in normal font.

• In the bibliography, the following exemplary format rules should be followed:

Single Author:

Goldsmith, M. (1993). The Europeanisation of local government. Urban Studies, 30(4), 683-699.

Article by Two Authors:

Krugman, P., & Venables, A.J. (1995). Globalization and the inequality of nations. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110(4), 857–880.


Panara, C., & Varney, M. (2013). Local government in Europe: The 'Fourth Level' in the EU Multilayered System of Governance. Routledge.


Krugman, P. (1995). The move toward free trade zones. In P. King (Ed.), International Economics and International Economic Policy: A Reader (pp. 163-182). McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Shah, T. H. (2018). Big data analytics in higher education. In S. M. Perry (Ed.), Maximizing social science research through publicly accessible data sets (pp. 38-61). IGI Global.

Other Resources:

Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2014). Maximum interest rates applicable to credit card transactions. Press Release. Retrieved September 5, 2014-6 from 


Turkish Statistical Institute (2020). Income and living conditions survey.

Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences observes the publication ethics standards determined by the Committe on Publication Ethics (COPE) (

Based on the COPE publishing ethics principles, editors, authors and reviewers should follow the ethical guidelines below:

Ethical guidelines that the editor should adhere:

• Editor should ensure that manuscripts submitted to the journal are evaluated based on the quality of the manuscript and the referee comments without regard to religion, language, race, ethnic origin, political opinion and gender of the authors.
• The editor should reject the manuscript in the case of ethical violations.
• The editor should ensure the confidentiality of the information about the manuscripts submitted to the journal and should not share this information with anyone except the responsible author, referees and editorial board.
• Editor should ensure the double blind peer review process.
• Editors should not use the information presented in the manuscript for their own research.
• Editor has full responsibility to reject, accept or request revisions to manuscripts submitted to the journal.

Ethical guidelines that authors should adhere:

• Authors should declare that the submitted work is original and has not been published before.
• Authors should declare that the study is not currently under review in another journal.
• All authors mentioned in the study should have contributed to the experimental design and implementation in the study, or to the analysis and interpretation of the data.
• Authors should provide access to the data sets they use in the article, if requested.
• Authors should notify the editorial board if they notice significant errors in their published articles.
• Authors should submit the ethics committee approval to the journal for studies that require ethics committee approval. Manuscripts without ethics committee approval will not be considered for review. If it is necessary to obtain “Ethics Committee Approval” for research, information on the ethics committee approval (name of ethics committee, number and date of approval document) should be indicated in the methodology section of the article.

Ethical guidelines that reviewers should adhere:

• Reviewers should agree to review the manuscripts in which they have sufficient expertise.
• Reviewers should agree to review the manuscripts which they think they can evaluate on time and adequately.
• Reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the peer review process and should not reveal any information about the manuscript beyond that published during or after the review process.
• Reviewers should not use the knowledge gained in the refereeing process for their own or others' advantage.
• Reviewers should notify the editorial board of the journal when they suspect of plagiarism or other ethical violations.
• Reviewers should not accept to review in situations where there may be a conflict of interest.
• Reviewers should be objective and constructive in their evaluations and not make personal comments.

Authorship and Contributorship

• Authorship should include those who contributed significantly to the conceptualization, design, implementation or interpretation of the work. The approval of each author must be obtained to make any changes after the article is submitted to the journal.
• The authors are required to provide information on author contributions. “Author contribution statement” is published at the end of each article.

Conflict of Interest

Authors are required to declare any conflict of interest in “Conflict of interest statement” at the end of the article.

Data Availability

We encourage the authors to state the availability of their data. Authors should provide access to the data sets they use in the article, if requested.

Intellectual Property

Adopting the principle that allowing the free access to scientific research increases the global sharing of knowledge, Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences provides direct open access to its content.
Upon acceptance of an article, the copyright of the article is transferred to Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences.

Complaints and Appeals

As a journal policy, our decision on a manuscript is final. However, in case of any complaints and appeals, the authors can contact the editor.

Post-publication discussions and corrections

If the authors notice an error after the article has been published, they should immediately notify the editor with a request for correction. After an editorial assessment, either an erratum will be published or the article will be retracted in the case of fundamental errors.


Our journal is committed to follow ethical guidelines and to prevent publication malpractices. All submissions are initially screened in terms of their adherence to ethical guidelines and scientific standards. In addition, all submissions are checked by using plagiarism detection software and in case of detection of plagiarism, the article is rejected. When any type of malpractice such as plagiarism or scientific misconduct is noticed, editor and the publisher take necessary measures. If a malpractice is noticed after the publication of the article, the options for publishing an erratum or retracting the article are evaluated.

There are no submission or publication fees.

Manuscripts must conform to the requirements indicated on the last page of the Journal - Guide for Authors- and in the web page.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses in this Journal Web page will only be used for the specified purposes of the Journal; they will not be opened for any other purpose or use by any other person.